Saturday, February 18, 2012

Re: said vanilla ice cream

"Some" was a pint. A pint! (Oh, but with a little olive oil and salt it's

A pint's a lot. I woke up tired, I'm pretty sure from that. So it's...good, to know that dairy *does* affect me (at least that much dairy, at once).

That all said, at the time it wasn't just delicious and comforting, but I could feel my body needing something in there. Fat? Protein?

Next time I need to eat vanilla ice cream with olive oil and salt I'm going to eat a banana-peanut butter pudding (maybe even throw some tofu in) and see how it goes. And tell you about it, if you'll listen.

Thank you for listening.


  1. I know I should be paying attention to your raw food suggestions, but I haven't tried vanilla ice cream with olive oil and salt. I need to do that.

  2. Yes, actually, you do. Let me know how it goes!
